 Copyright the artist | | | Cohen, Bernard (1933 - ) UK
White Plant, 1965
Acrylic on canvas; 274 x 213 cm Op Art
UID 102-119
English painter. Cohen moved to Paris after completing his studies in London at St Martin's School of Art and the Slade School of Fine Art. As from the beginning of the 60s, Cohen began painting in a deliberately discrepant style. In the mid 70s, he replaced his early preferences with a meticulous technique of applying denser patterns and motifs. In these pieces, Cohen discovered the means of communicating his obsession for the techniques of painting, producing art which is as complex in terms of form as in its metaphorical implications.
Bernard Cohen Hayward Gallery, United Kingdom 06-04-1972 ~ 14-05-1972
Bernard Cohen Laing Art Gallery, United Kingdom 03-06-1972 ~ 25-06-1972
Bernard Cohen Leeds City Art Gallery, United Kingdom 01-07-1972 ~ 23-07-1972
Colecção Berardo Collection 1917-1999 Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), Portugal 27-01-2000 ~ 27-08-2000
The Berardo Collection Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna - Colecção Berardo (SMAM-CB), Portugal 17-05-1997 ~ 31-08-1997
Arte Cinética / Arte Op na Colecção Berardo Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna - Colecção Berardo (SMAM-CB), Portugal 29-09-2001 ~ 31-10-2001
Bernard Cohen, 1972
Colecção Berardo Collection 1917-1999, 2000 Published by CCB - Centro Cultural de Belém ISBN 972817652X
The Berardo Collection – Sintra Museum of Modern Art, 1996 Published by Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna - Colecção Berardo ISBN 9729739105